MIME Types
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is a standard that describes the type of content in messages, used to indicate the nature and format of a document, file, or byte stream.
MIME messages can include text, images, audio, video, and other application-specific data.
Browsers typically use MIME types (rather than file extensions) to determine how to handle URLs, so it's crucial for web servers to add the correct MIME type in response headers. If misconfigured, the browser might fail to parse the file content, causing the website to malfunction and improperly handling downloaded files.
The general structure of MIME types:
The composition structure of MIME is straightforward, consisting of two strings separated by a slash (/) with no spaces allowed. The type indicates a broad category that can be further divided into subcategories, while the subtype specifies the detailed type.
MIME types are case-insensitive, but the traditional convention is to write them in lowercase.
Two primary MIME types play an essential role in default types:
- text/plain represents the default value for text files.
- application/octet-stream represents the default value for all other cases.
Common MIME Types:
- Hypertext Markup Language (HTML): .html, .htm — text/html
- Plain Text: .txt — text/plain
- RTF Text: .rtf — application/rtf
- GIF Image: .gif — image/gif
- JPEG Image: .jpeg, .jpg — image/jpeg
- AU Sound File: .au — audio/basic
- MIDI Music File: .mid, .midi — audio/midi, audio/x-midi
- RealAudio Music File: .ra, .ram — audio/x-pn-realaudio
- MPEG File: .mpg, .mpeg — video/mpeg
- AVI File: .avi — video/x-msvideo
- GZIP File: .gz — application/x-gzip
- TAR File: .tar — application/x-tar
MIME Type Categories
Type | Description | Typical Examples |
text |
Indicates that the file is plain text and theoretically human-readable. | text/plain , text/html , text/css, text/javascript |
image |
Indicates some type of image. Does not include video, but animated images (like animated GIFs) also use the image type. | image/gif , image/png , image/jpeg , image/bmp , image/webp , image/x-icon , image/vnd.microsoft.icon |
audio |
Indicates some type of audio file. | audio/midi , audio/mpeg, audio/webm, audio/ogg, audio/wav |
video |
Indicates some type of video file. | video/webm , video/ogg |
application |
Indicates some type of binary data. |
MIME Type Comparison Table
Media Type | File Extension | Description |
application/msword | doc | Microsoft Office Word format (Microsoft Word 97 - 2004 document) |
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document | docx | Microsoft Office Word document format |
application/vnd.ms-excel | xls | Microsoft Office Excel format (Microsoft Excel 97 - 2004 Workbook) |
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet | xlsx | Microsoft Office Excel document format |
application/vnd.ms-powerpoint | ppt | Microsoft Office PowerPoint format (Microsoft PowerPoint 97 - 2003 Presentation) |
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation | pptx | Microsoft Office PowerPoint document format |
application/x-gzip | gz, gzip | GZ compressed file format |
application/zip | zip, 7zip | ZIP compressed file format |
application/rar | rar | RAR compressed file format |
application/x-tar | tar, tgz | TAR compressed file format |
application/pdf | Portable Document Format (PDF) | |
application/rtf | rtf | Rich Text Format (RTF) |
image/gif | gif | GIF image format |
image/jpeg | jpg, jpeg | JPG (JPEG) image format |
image/jp2 | jpg2 | JPG2 image format |
image/png | png | PNG image format |
image/tiff | tif, tiff | TIF (TIFF) image format |
image/bmp | bmp | BMP image format (bitmap format) |
image/svg+xml | svg, svgz | SVG image format |
image/webp | webp | WebP image format |
image/x-icon | ico | ICO image format, typically used for browser favicon icons |
application/kswps | wps | Kingsoft Office Word file format |
application/kset | et | Kingsoft Office Spreadsheet file format |
application/ksdps | dps | Kingsoft Office Presentation file format |
application/x-photoshop | psd | Photoshop source file format |
application/x-coreldraw | cdr | CorelDRAW source file format |
application/x-shockwave-flash | swf | Adobe Flash source file format |
text/plain | txt | Plain text format |
application/x-javascript | js | JavaScript file type |
text/javascript | js | JavaScript script file |
text/css | css | CSS stylesheet |
text/html | htm, html, shtml | HTML file format |
application/xhtml+xml | xht, xhtml | XHTML file format |
text/xml | xml | XML file format |
text/x-vcard | vcf | VCF file format |
application/x-httpd-php | php, php3, php4, phtml | PHP file format |
application/java-archive | jar | Java archive file format |
application/vnd.android.package-archive | apk | Android package file format |
application/octet-stream | exe | Windows executable file format |
application/x-x509-user-cert | crt, pem | PEM file format |
audio/mpeg | mp3 | MPEG audio format |
audio/midi | mid, midi | MID audio format |
audio/x-wav | wav | WAV audio format |
audio/x-mpegurl | m3u | M3U audio format |
audio/x-m4a | m4a | M4A audio format |
audio/ogg | ogg | OGG audio format |
audio/x-realaudio | ra | RealAudio audio format |
video/mp4 | mp4 | MP4 video format |
video/mpeg | mpg, mpe, mpeg | MPEG video format |
video/quicktime | qt, mov | QuickTime video format |
video/x-m4v | m4v | M4V video format |
video/x-ms-wmv | wmv | WMV video format (used on Windows) |
video/x-msvideo | avi | AVI video format |
video/webm | webm | WebM video format |
video/x-flv | flv | Flash video format based on Flash technology |
The MIME type list arranged by content type
Types and Subtypes | File Extension |
application/envoy | evy |
application/fractals | fif |
application/futuresplash | spl |
application/hta | hta |
application/internet-property-stream | acx |
application/mac-binhex40 | hqx |
application/msword | doc |
application/msword | dot |
application/octet-stream | * |
application/octet-stream | bin |
application/octet-stream | class |
application/octet-stream | dms |
application/octet-stream | exe |
application/octet-stream | lha |
application/octet-stream | lzh |
application/oda | oda |
application/olescript | axs |
application/pdf | |
application/pics-rules | prf |
application/pkcs10 | p10 |
application/pkix-crl | crl |
application/postscript | ai |
application/postscript | eps |
application/postscript | ps |
application/rtf | rtf |
application/set-payment-initiation | setpay |
application/set-registration-initiation | setreg |
application/vnd.ms-excel | xla |
application/vnd.ms-excel | xlc |
application/vnd.ms-excel | xlm |
application/vnd.ms-excel | xls |
application/vnd.ms-excel | xlt |
application/vnd.ms-excel | xlw |
application/vnd.ms-outlook | msg |
application/vnd.ms-pkicertstore | sst |
application/vnd.ms-pkiseccat | cat |
application/vnd.ms-pkistl | stl |
application/vnd.ms-powerpoint | pot |
application/vnd.ms-powerpoint | pps |
application/vnd.ms-powerpoint | ppt |
application/vnd.ms-project | mpp |
application/vnd.ms-works | wcm |
application/vnd.ms-works | wdb |
application/vnd.ms-works | wks |
application/vnd.ms-works | wps |
application/winhlp | hlp |
application/x-bcpio | bcpio |
application/x-cdf | cdf |
application/x-compress | z |
application/x-compressed | tgz |
application/x-cpio | cpio |
application/x-csh | csh |
application/x-director | dcr |
application/x-director | dir |
application/x-director | dxr |
application/x-dvi | dvi |
application/x-gtar | gtar |
application/x-gzip | gz |
application/x-hdf | hdf |
application/x-internet-signup | ins |
application/x-internet-signup | isp |
application/x-iphone | iii |
application/x-javascript | js |
application/x-latex | latex |
application/x-msaccess | mdb |
application/x-mscardfile | crd |
application/x-msclip | clp |
application/x-msdownload | dll |
application/x-msmediaview | m13 |
application/x-msmediaview | m14 |
application/x-msmediaview | mvb |
application/x-msmetafile | wmf |
application/x-msmoney | mny |
application/x-mspublisher | pub |
application/x-msschedule | scd |
application/x-msterminal | trm |
application/x-mswrite | wri |
application/x-netcdf | cdf |
application/x-netcdf | nc |
application/x-perfmon | pma |
application/x-perfmon | pmc |
application/x-perfmon | pml |
application/x-perfmon | pmr |
application/x-perfmon | pmw |
application/x-pkcs12 | p12 |
application/x-pkcs12 | pfx |
application/x-pkcs7-certificates | p7b |
application/x-pkcs7-certificates | spc |
application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp | p7r |
application/x-pkcs7-mime | p7c |
application/x-pkcs7-mime | p7m |
application/x-pkcs7-signature | p7s |
application/x-sh | sh |
application/x-shar | shar |
application/x-shockwave-flash | swf |
application/x-stuffit | sit |
application/x-sv4cpio | sv4cpio |
application/x-sv4crc | sv4crc |
application/x-tar | tar |
application/x-tcl | tcl |
application/x-tex | tex |
application/x-texinfo | texi |
application/x-texinfo | texinfo |
application/x-troff | roff |
application/x-troff | t |
application/x-troff | tr |
application/x-troff-man | man |
application/x-troff-me | me |
application/x-troff-ms | ms |
application/x-ustar | ustar |
application/x-wais-source | src |
application/x-x509-ca-cert | cer |
application/x-x509-ca-cert | crt |
application/x-x509-ca-cert | der |
application/ynd.ms-pkipko | pko |
application/zip | zip |
audio/basic | au |
audio/basic | snd |
audio/mid | mid |
audio/mid | rmi |
audio/mpeg | mp3 |
audio/x-aiff | aif |
audio/x-aiff | aifc |
audio/x-aiff | aiff |
audio/x-mpegurl | m3u |
audio/x-pn-realaudio | ra |
audio/x-pn-realaudio | ram |
audio/x-wav | wav |
image/bmp | bmp |
image/cis-cod | cod |
image/gif | gif |
image/ief | ief |
image/jpeg | jpe |
image/jpeg | jpeg |
image/jpeg | jpg |
image/pipeg | jfif |
image/svg+xml | svg |
image/tiff | tif |
image/tiff | tiff |
image/x-cmu-raster | ras |
image/x-cmx | cmx |
image/x-icon | ico |
image/x-portable-anymap | pnm |
image/x-portable-bitmap | pbm |
image/x-portable-graymap | pgm |
image/x-portable-pixmap | ppm |
image/x-rgb | rgb |
image/x-xbitmap | xbm |
image/x-xpixmap | xpm |
image/x-xwindowdump | xwd |
message/rfc822 | mht |
message/rfc822 | mhtml |
message/rfc822 | nws |
text/css | css |
text/h323 | 323 |
text/html | htm |
text/html | html |
text/html | stm |
text/iuls | uls |
text/plain | bas |
text/plain | c |
text/plain | h |
text/plain | txt |
text/richtext | rtx |
text/scriptlet | sct |
text/tab-separated-values | tsv |
text/webviewhtml | htt |
text/x-component | htc |
text/x-setext | etx |
text/x-vcard | vcf |
video/mpeg | mp2 |
video/mpeg | mpa |
video/mpeg | mpe |
video/mpeg | mpeg |
video/mpeg | mpg |
video/mpeg | mpv2 |
video/quicktime | mov |
video/quicktime | qt |
video/x-la-asf | lsf |
video/x-la-asf | lsx |
video/x-ms-asf | asf |
video/x-ms-asf | asr |
video/x-ms-asf | asx |
video/x-msvideo | avi |
video/x-sgi-movie | movie |
x-world/x-vrml | flr |
x-world/x-vrml | vrml |
x-world/x-vrml | wrl |
x-world/x-vrml | wrz |
x-world/x-vrml | xaf |
x-world/x-vrml | xof |
The MIME type list arranged by file extension
File Extension | Types and Subtypes |
application/octet-stream | |
323 | text/h323 |
acx | application/internet-property-stream |
ai | application/postscript |
aif | audio/x-aiff |
aifc | audio/x-aiff |
aiff | audio/x-aiff |
asf | video/x-ms-asf |
asr | video/x-ms-asf |
asx | video/x-ms-asf |
au | audio/basic |
avi | video/x-msvideo |
axs | application/olescript |
bas | text/plain |
bcpio | application/x-bcpio |
bin | application/octet-stream |
bmp | image/bmp |
c | text/plain |
cat | application/vnd.ms-pkiseccat |
cdf | application/x-cdf |
cer | application/x-x509-ca-cert |
class | application/octet-stream |
clp | application/x-msclip |
cmx | image/x-cmx |
cod | image/cis-cod |
cpio | application/x-cpio |
crd | application/x-mscardfile |
crl | application/pkix-crl |
crt | application/x-x509-ca-cert |
csh | application/x-csh |
css | text/css |
dcr | application/x-director |
der | application/x-x509-ca-cert |
dir | application/x-director |
dll | application/x-msdownload |
dms | application/octet-stream |
doc | application/msword |
dot | application/msword |
dvi | application/x-dvi |
dxr | application/x-director |
eps | application/postscript |
etx | text/x-setext |
evy | application/envoy |
exe | application/octet-stream |
fif | application/fractals |
flr | x-world/x-vrml |
gif | image/gif |
gtar | application/x-gtar |
gz | application/x-gzip |
h | text/plain |
hdf | application/x-hdf |
hlp | application/winhlp |
hqx | application/mac-binhex40 |
hta | application/hta |
htc | text/x-component |
htm | text/html |
html | text/html |
htt | text/webviewhtml |
ico | image/x-icon |
ief | image/ief |
iii | application/x-iphone |
ins | application/x-internet-signup |
isp | application/x-internet-signup |
jfif | image/pipeg |
jpe | image/jpeg |
jpeg | image/jpeg |
jpg | image/jpeg |
js | application/x-javascript |
latex | application/x-latex |
lha | application/octet-stream |
lsf | video/x-la-asf |
lsx | video/x-la-asf |
lzh | application/octet-stream |
m13 | application/x-msmediaview |
m14 | application/x-msmediaview |
m3u | audio/x-mpegurl |
man | application/x-troff-man |
mdb | application/x-msaccess |
me | application/x-troff-me |
mht | message/rfc822 |
mhtml | message/rfc822 |
mid | audio/mid |
mny | application/x-msmoney |
mov | video/quicktime |
movie | video/x-sgi-movie |
mp2 | video/mpeg |
mp3 | audio/mpeg |
mpa | video/mpeg |
mpe | video/mpeg |
mpeg | video/mpeg |
mpg | video/mpeg |
mpp | application/vnd.ms-project |
mpv2 | video/mpeg |
ms | application/x-troff-ms |
mvb | application/x-msmediaview |
nws | message/rfc822 |
oda | application/oda |
p10 | application/pkcs10 |
p12 | application/x-pkcs12 |
p7b | application/x-pkcs7-certificates |
p7c | application/x-pkcs7-mime |
p7m | application/x-pkcs7-mime |
p7r | application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp |
p7s | application/x-pkcs7-signature |
pbm | image/x-portable-bitmap |
application/pdf | |
pfx | application/x-pkcs12 |
pgm | image/x-portable-graymap |
pko | application/ynd.ms-pkipko |
pma | application/x-perfmon |
pmc | application/x-perfmon |
pml | application/x-perfmon |
pmr | application/x-perfmon |
pmw | application/x-perfmon |
pnm | image/x-portable-anymap |
pot, | application/vnd.ms-powerpoint |
ppm | image/x-portable-pixmap |
pps | application/vnd.ms-powerpoint |
ppt | application/vnd.ms-powerpoint |
prf | application/pics-rules |
ps | application/postscript |
pub | application/x-mspublisher |
qt | video/quicktime |
ra | audio/x-pn-realaudio |
ram | audio/x-pn-realaudio |
ras | image/x-cmu-raster |
rgb | image/x-rgb |
rmi | audio/mid |
roff | application/x-troff |
rtf | application/rtf |
rtx | text/richtext |
scd | application/x-msschedule |
sct | text/scriptlet |
setpay | application/set-payment-initiation |
setreg | application/set-registration-initiation |
sh | application/x-sh |
shar | application/x-shar |
sit | application/x-stuffit |
snd | audio/basic |
spc | application/x-pkcs7-certificates |
spl | application/futuresplash |
src | application/x-wais-source |
sst | application/vnd.ms-pkicertstore |
stl | application/vnd.ms-pkistl |
stm | text/html |
svg | image/svg+xml |
sv4cpio | application/x-sv4cpio |
sv4crc | application/x-sv4crc |
swf | application/x-shockwave-flash |
t | application/x-troff |
tar | application/x-tar |
tcl | application/x-tcl |
tex | application/x-tex |
texi | application/x-texinfo |
texinfo | application/x-texinfo |
tgz | application/x-compressed |
tif | image/tiff |
tiff | image/tiff |
tr | application/x-troff |
trm | application/x-msterminal |
tsv | text/tab-separated-values |
txt | text/plain |
uls | text/iuls |
ustar | application/x-ustar |
vcf | text/x-vcard |
vrml | x-world/x-vrml |
wav | audio/x-wav |
wcm | application/vnd.ms-works |
wdb | application/vnd.ms-works |
wks | application/vnd.ms-works |
wmf | application/x-msmetafile |
wps | application/vnd.ms-works |
wri | application/x-mswrite |
wrl | x-world/x-vrml |
wrz | x-world/x-vrml |
xaf | x-world/x-vrml |
xbm | image/x-xbitmap |
xla | application/vnd.ms-excel |
xlc | application/vnd.ms-excel |
xlm | application/vnd.ms-excel |
xls | application/vnd.ms-excel |
xlt | application/vnd.ms-excel |
xlw | application/vnd.ms-excel |
xof | x-world/x-vrml |
xpm | image/x-xpixmap |
xwd | image/x-xwindowdump |
z | application/x-compress |
zip | application/zip |